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What does the future of work look like from the perspective of a Pasifika Sales Professional?

As a Pasifika sales professional, I have been thinking a lot about the future of work and how it will impact my career.

by Joey Nanai  I     24 December 2022

My parents, like many other Pacific Island families, sacrificed a lot to afford opportunities for me and my siblings, and I want to make the most of those opportunities in my career.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the way we work, and for me, that has meant a shift towards remote work. Before the pandemic, I was used to working in an office every day, conducting face-to-face meetings with clients and colleagues. However, with the onset of the pandemic, I found myself conducting most of my meetings via Zoom and working from my home office.

While the shift to remote work was challenging at first, I have come to appreciate the flexibility and convenience that it offers. I can now conduct meetings with clients and colleagues from anywhere, and I have more control over my schedule and work environment. However, I also miss the social and collaborative aspects of working in an office, and I am looking forward to the day when it is safe to resume face-to-face meetings as a normality again, although highly unlikely.

Looking to the future, it's clear that the way we work is evolving, and the trend towards remote work is here to stay. However, it's also important to note that remote work is not suitable for every company or every employee, and there may always be a need for in-person work as well. Some companies may find that a hybrid model, with some employees working remotely and others working in the office, is the best solution. Others may find that a fully remote or fully on-site model works best for them.

One potential impact of the shift towards remote work is that it may increase the need for digital skills and competencies. As a sales professional, I will need to be proficient in using a variety of online tools and platforms to communicate with clients and colleagues, and to stay up-to-date on industry developments. This may require me to continue learning and developing new skills throughout my career.

Another trend that may shape the future of work is the increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence. While these technologies may automate some tasks, they may also create new opportunities for sales professionals who can use them to analyze data, identify trends, and personalize their sales pitch. It will be important for me to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in these technologies, and to find ways to incorporate them into my work.

To succeed in the future of work, it will be important for me to stay open to new possibilities and be willing to learn new skills. I will also need to be flexible and agile, as the business environment is constantly changing. By embracing these trends and adapting to new ways of working, I hope to honor the sacrifices of my parents and other Pacific Island families by building a successful and rewarding career in sales.

Ultimately, the future of work is uncertain, and it will depend on a variety of factors such as technological developments, economic conditions, and societal trends. However, by staying open to new possibilities and adapting to change, I believe that I can build a rewarding and successful career in sales, no matter what the future holds.

As I look to the future of work, I am excited about the possibilities that it brings. The shift towards remote work has opened up new opportunities for me to connect with clients and colleagues from all around the world, and to work on a more flexible schedule. The increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence has the potential to make my work more efficient and effective, and to free up time for me to focus on more strategic and creative tasks.

However, I also recognize that the future of work brings challenges as well. The need for digital skills and competencies means that I will need to continually learn and adapt in order to stay competitive in my field. The increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence also means that I will need to be proactive in finding ways to use these technologies to my advantage, rather than letting them replace me.

To succeed in the future of work, it will be important for me to stay up-to-date on industry developments, to continually learn and develop new skills, and to be proactive in finding ways to use new technologies to my advantage. I will also need to be flexible and agile, and to be willing to adapt to new ways of working.

I believe that the key to success in the future of work is to embrace change and to stay open to new possibilities. By staying proactive and adaptable, I believe that I can build a successful and rewarding career in sales, no matter what the future holds.

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