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Pasifika Time Management

Punctuality is a virtue that is highly valued in both professional and personal settings.

by Joey Nanai  I     10th January 2023


 It shows respect for others' time and demonstrates responsibility and reliability. However, for many Pasifika people, the concept of "island time" can sometimes conflict with the punctuality that is expected in different contexts.

In some Pacific Island cultures, the concept of "island time" means that time is more flexible and not as rigidly adhered to as it is in some Western cultures. While this approach to time can be relaxed and laid-back, it can also be misinterpreted as a lack of respect or responsibility.

So, how can Pasifika people strike a balance between respecting and embracing their cultural background and also meeting the expectations of punctuality in professional and personal settings?

One approach is to be mindful of the context and the expectations of the situation. If you are in a professional setting, it is important to arrive on time and be punctual for meetings and appointments. However, if you are in a more relaxed, personal setting, it may be more appropriate to follow the customs of "island time."

Another approach is to communicate clearly with others about your expectations and boundaries around time. If you know that you have a tendency to run on "island time," it is important to let others know and to set expectations accordingly. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and build trust and respect in your relationships.

It is also important to remember that punctuality is not just about showing up on time, but also about being prepared and ready to engage fully in the task at hand. This means being organized and bringing any necessary materials or resources with you to meetings or appointments.

In conclusion, while the concept of "island time" can be a positive aspect of Pasifika culture, it is important to also be mindful of the expectations of punctuality in different contexts. By being aware of the expectations and being clear about your own boundaries and expectations around time, Pasifika people can strike a balance between respecting their cultural heritage and meeting the punctuality expectations of different settings. So, it is a call to action for Pasifika people to embrace their cultural heritage while also being mindful of the expectations of the context they are in.

Food for thought 
How can Pasifika people strike a balance between respecting and embracing their cultural background and also meeting the expectations of punctuality in professional and personal settings?

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